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Found 69877 results for any of the keywords film competition. Time 0.008 seconds.
Short Film and Video Competition | Enter the Dark Green Books Short FEnter the Dark Green Books Short Film and Video competition!
Short Film and Video Competition 2013 | Short Film and Video CompetitWelcome to the Dark Green Books Short Film and Video Competition 2013! Create an exciting and powerful Youtube video based on the works of Luke Andreski and compete to win… First Prize $700 (US) plus seven free downloads
Film Archive Mountain Shadow Film Society.Each month will not only bring a top-tier mix of either a foreign or independent feature film otherwise unavailable in our locale, but an award-winning short film, as well. Nowhere else in our area will you find this ki
Film Reviews Mountain Shadow Film Society.Archive of the Society of the Films We Have Enjoyed.
PRESS | Shorts On TapWhat the media are saying about us
SHORTSNONSTOP - Mobile Movies. Anytime. Anyplace.SHORTSNONSTOP is an international short film competition - online, mobile independent film submissions in association with the CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival
Innovate IndiaExplore MyGov Innovate India, a platform for innovation and progress. Contribute, collaborate, and drive positive change in the development journey of India.
Mountain Shadow Film society bringing foreign and independent films to Walnut Creek, CA
INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT TRAFFICKING Nehru Gadmin The world drug problem is a complex issue that affects millions of the people worldwide. Many people who use drugs face stigma and discrimination which can further harm their physical and m
FILMS DOCUMENTARIESFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
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